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Old 06-05-2009, 04:52 AM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Creighton, SK
Posts: 952
BlueAbyss is on a distinguished road

Oh yes, I should update this. A couple days ago, the tank temperature reached 28 C. I lost 2 neons, and 2 Otos. I have decided to ditch the sunlit idea for the summer, and the tetras, otos, and corys have moved into a semi-temporary home in a 15 gallon tank. I really like the new aquascaping, but I need to look at getting a dark bottom for these guys... their colors have washed out since losing the cover of the emerged growth.

FWIW, since I like the new aquascaping I may just keep the setup the way it is. I'll snap a few pics tomorrow to show how it looks. The 15 gallon has some scratches in it since it is one of my old tanks (and it also still has the trim), but it looks good anyhow and the fish seem to be enjoying the extra swimming space. There is some driftwood in there now that I may remove, we'll see how it looks in the morning.
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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