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Old 06-03-2009, 08:01 PM
i have crabs's Avatar
i have crabs i have crabs is offline
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i have crabs is on a distinguished road
Default any intrest in some big fish?

ive been thinking about getting rid of my big fish and changing the tank into a reef, ive actually thought about doing this plenty of times but have never actually done it yet.
if i do this i need homes for a couple fish
a 10-12" panther grouper
a 12-13" blackspoted grouper
a 12-14" emperor snapper
and a 24-26" speckeled grouper

the panther and the blackspot would be fine in a 6' long 130g or bigger

the snapper needs at least 180g or bigger hes an awesome fish and not done growing, hes also the reason i havnt shut this tank down in the past.

the big grouper would need at least a 500g or bigger,
im not shure what these fish are worth the big one is definatly free if someone has a home for him, the rest maybe $30-$50 ea. the moneys not important its just finding homes for large fish isnt all that easy.

ill have to get some pictures of the other guys if anyone is interested
but what the heck do i know
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