compared to other tanks that I have seen my bottom looks a little dirty. Not algae just not the same new look that the coral had when I 1st put it in.
I know that after 2 years it should not look the same but I was wondering if it is bad for the tank. I have heard that some people once a year stir everything up, i.e. pointing a power head onto the substrate replicating the natural reef where water is swirrling around. I do not have any problems with my tank except for the Aptasia problem that I am working on.
So how many people stir up their coral/sand base? Maybe I am looking at a nothing and seeing a problem? I have been so busy with the new baby/work/school over the past 6 months that I have not been as active in my tank as i wanted to be. Now I am getting some more free time and I am ready to spend more time on the tank.
If it ain\'t broke - give it to a reefer