Thread: Relocation
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Old 06-01-2009, 06:40 PM
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Navarchus Navarchus is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Vancouver BC (BEST PLACE ON THE PLANET)
Posts: 219
Navarchus is on a distinguished road

Ok! That’s fair and square!

My name is Eran. I am 36 and I am relocating from Israel!

Since I can remember myself, I have always had an aquarium.
I had it all, from my first 5g guppies tank. To a larger tropical fish tank, low-tech and high- tech planted aquariums, African Cichlids, Discus fish and so on! I even had a brackish water biotope tank with mangroves.

I have always found saltwater aquarium irresistible and in the year 2001 I started my first saltwater aquarium, a marine biotope tank. Since then I have been hooked to the hobby and today I am the proud owner of a nice 125g SPS dominated reef aquarium.

My new tank on day one- 15.09.08




Sadly I don’t have any newer pictures and I have just disassembled it

Another aspect of the hobby for me is to be an active member of the saltwater aquariums community, helping friends taking first steps in the hobby, sharing information and with my friends and learning new techniques. I am also forum moderator in the leading saltwater aquariums community portal in Israel (

some more pictures to open your appetite

I did some special design with this tank and as soon as possible I will tell you all about it.

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