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Old 06-01-2009, 05:48 AM
m109r m109r is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 19
m109r is on a distinguished road
Arrow ID Please

Well recently I went to walmart and bought myself a nice red led flashlight, and my god am I hooked at staring into the tank at night!

so anyways I have been tracking this huge worm like thing in my tank for the last couple days with a red flashlight at night and just now I finally got some decent footage

The picture is deceiving but it is quite large, like at least 2-3x the size of a pencil and I could only see 2-3 inches of it sticking out of the rock

i have not noticed anything strange happening, all fish/corals have been very happy

I poked this thing with a feeding stick and it felt powerful, freaked me out!


And video can be downloaded @:
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