Finally set up!!!

Spent Friday and most of Saturday transfering my rock, stock and water from my old 33 gallon to my new (to me) 70 gallon RR. Used the existing 25 gallon sump, with the same Quiet One 3000 (found the 4000 that came with the tank just a little too much flow). Put in 40lbs of new sand, and about 40 additional pounds of rock. Added an ATO, Upgraded from the 2 70w halides I had to a 6 lamp T5HO tek (wicked bright!). Current inhabitents are 2 black clowns, 2 RBTA, 1 cleaner shrimp,
1 sixline wrasse, and 1 red banded goby with his never-seen pistol shrimp. And various corals of course.
Plan on playing with the aquascaping a bit, and upgrading the superskimmer 65.
Future additions planed:
1 Neon Goby
Will add pics tonight when I find my camera.