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Old 05-30-2009, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
some very crafty ideas here! Can't wait to see more. Your rate of progress is just fine =) I'm a fellow slow-builder and sympathize entirely. I'm also a dad of two now and I'm scared to set my tank up now until they're older. I do bedtime diaper changes sitting on the floor because I'm too tired to do it any other way!

I'm still intrigued by the rock you let sit for 4 years...that's insane! With the topoff and salt creep I'll bet your salinity is so low it's more like a long freshwater bath for the rocks...
Brett.....ha ha. It is kind of sad isn't it. I should have taken the rock out, dried it out and seeded it when the tank was set up if I knew it was going to be 4 years. The funny thing is once in a while I'd push the salt creep back in . I still don't own a hydrometer. I just ordered a refractometer from J&L along with a bunch of bulkheads and stuff. I will be placing an oceans motions order soon because I can't seem to find one used. Man this hobby is expensive. My wife and kids are the ones getting after me now to get the tank set up, but I try to do it after the kids go to sleep cause I can't let these years go by working on a tank when I could be playing with my children. At least a lot of the things they can help with. I have very much appreciated your tank build. It is immaculate. Maybe one day we'll meet. I used to go down to Calgary lots just for reef stuff
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