Will sell complete only and must be gone by Friday June 5. Otherwise I'll just suck it up and do the move...
24 gallon tank with CPR aquafuge, hood, stand, actinic fluorescent, 150 watt de metal halide, clip-on fan, 4 power heads, 3 timers, 1/3 bucket of salt, bunch of random stuff in stand drawer.
~25 lbs of live rock, ~2-3 inch sand bed, brown and green star polyps, candycane, open brain, frogspawn, ricordia, leather, pom pom xenia, yellow polyps, some assorted mushrooms and zoos, yellow watchman goby, occellaris clown, purple pseudochromis, green wrasse, 1 or 2 small hermits, 3 strawberry conches, turbo snail.
Asking $450 OBO
Bigger pic available here: