Hmmm...Thanks for the info!
The Safeway attendant says that they change filters on a regular basis. I guess I will have to trust him on this one....As for driving to Surrey to buy water - it is a bit of a drive for me to do once every two weeks considering safeway is across the street and i can just go there, and carry the watr back. Mind you, the cashier has quite a laugh everytime she sees me with water - she is like : "Are your fish thirsty AGAIN???" :-)
I will also look into buying a TDS. Thanks.
As for additives, do you think that they add anything to the water (at least they do not mention it one the machine operational description..)? Also, does RO get rid of phosphates and slica?
Last edited by edikpok; 05-27-2009 at 05:39 PM.