Yeah, I have been using mostly Media Player for manageing my music, in particular ripping from store bought CDs. Is the quality of downloaded CDs, whether mp3 or WMA format the same as store bought?
I have a lot of purchased CDs to rip, which is where I would start first.
BTW: My wife bought us tickets to see the Hip in Penticton this summer. Who thought they would ever come here? Got me focused on updating my Hip collection.
Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat
Most Itunes and other downloaded music is at 124Kbs I belive. the lower bitrate makes for easier downloads. Now, I tunes itself will rip music into it's format, AAC. I havnt used that yet. I strictly use Windows Media Player ofr ripping my CD's to MP3. In Media Player, go to Options in the upper tabs, then click Rip. in there will be settings on what folders WMP saves the ripped music to, and what fromat, MP3, WMA etc. Stay away from WMA. can only be played on windows media that way.... Damn MS
Any other questions feel free to ask