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Old 05-27-2009, 02:31 AM
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banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
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Location: 100 mile hse BC
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banditpowdercoat is on a distinguished road

Thats all I listen to at home. I have my computer hooked up to the home stereo as well. All my music thats on my computer is on my Ipod. The both sound perfectly fine on the home stereo. Home system is a Yamaha 7.1 surround, with Paradigm speakers all the way around. As long as your not one of them Nutz Audiophiles, you'll be pleased. Seems they can never be pleased LOL I am a stereo enthusiast. I used to compete in car stereo shows years ago, for sound quality, not loudness. There is some M3's that sound a little off, but the are ripped at a low bit rate. I rip all my CD's at 320Kb/s the fastest rate. Takes up a little more space, but its worth it fro quality. I have about 50Gb of music on my Ipod and comp.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5

Last edited by banditpowdercoat; 05-27-2009 at 02:35 AM.
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