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Old 05-27-2009, 02:19 AM
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noirsphynx noirsphynx is offline
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Location: Bon Accord, AB
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noirsphynx is on a distinguished road

Well I can probably help you out with some of those. I have some zoa frags ready now and I'll do a few more soon, I also have some mushroom frags. My sister lives up there and will be down here for the first week in July and maybe sooner. If you're able to meet with her the moment she gets back(she doesn't have a tank to hold them in) in to Ft. Mac she would probably bring some stuff back to you. She lives in Timberla. I'll get some pics & prices done soon of what I have.
96" x 16" x 16"//106g Skimmerless Reef, Established Jan. 13, 2012
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