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Old 05-25-2009, 03:46 AM
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naesco naesco is offline
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Originally Posted by new but handy View Post
He eats mysis like a mad man. I make a concoction of mysis,squid,brine shrimp,garlic and selcon all my fish love it. I freeze it in ice cube trays and feed it in a floating ring above a power head in the morning. They also get a feeding of flake and pellets at night. I put nori on the rock every day. I'm fairly sure the fish just doesn't like me. Everytime I go near the tank he hides out, but when my girlfriend goes near it he comes out and does his courtship swim like I said I'm fairly sure he is just a yappy dick.
Well now you have the answer to the question as to why he is acting strange.
He's horny!
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