Update 07.24.09 - So after an over due wife, and induction 19 hours of labor and a post pardum hemmorage she is finally here! On July 21 @ 5:22am my little daughter made her grand entrace into the world. She weighed 7lbs 6oz. We named her Aselin Lee (pronounced AS-LIN) There is a pic attached at the end of thread!
Update 06.04.09 - Aquascaping stickers came in today so we decorated the "tank" Pictured added in new post!
So we got cracking on the nursery this weekend, pending the birth of our daughter in July! Just wanted to share the pics of the progress with you all! We are by NO means pro painters lol, this took us like 4 hours to get done!
Ive got a buch of sea life stickers on order to fill the water up with and ill post some pics of the finished product. Ill also paint the sand on tomorrow!
We had to freehand all the waves and my wife has a much steadier hand than i!
Here is a pic of the crib bedding we decided to go with!

"120 Gallon - Fastest Build in the West"
20Gal Sump, 2x 250 PFO Metal Hallides running 2 20k XM Bulbs, 2X54 HOT5 1 KZ Coral Light 1 Fiji Purple, Euroreef RS 100 Skimmer, Quiet One 6000 Return Pump, 2X Tunze 6025, Nano Wavebox
~To Live Is To Reef~