Originally Posted by zoaElite
True, there are models out there but the major disadvantage of a hang on is if it cracks, leaks/ over flows you have now created a MASSIVE mess for yourself. Why not treat your system, hide all of those ugly skimmers, heaters and reactors, increase your total gallons and increase flow (with the return).
Its true that if a leak shows up then it becomes trouble for the owners but overflowing is usually built into the higher end HOB skimmers. I for one have never had my MCE600 overflow onto the carpet, it all gets looped back in.
I believe that some people like to keep there systems simple as in no drilling no plumbing. I however also agree that plumbing and etc in the end makes a clean display tank, but just not very viable to some. so some of us go HOB and it works great. sump isnt a go on all systems it looks nice in the end but it could also cause you leaks and etc if not done properly but with that said back on the topic of the seller we kind of took it on a side trail.