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Old 05-23-2009, 12:05 AM
fragNplug fragNplug is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: calgary
Posts: 180
fragNplug is on a distinguished road

looks like a line wrasse, and if i did learn to count from your photo a six line wrasse.
so basically he will clean bugs off your corals, but not your fish.
Hope u didn't pay too much for him, they go for near 30$ in the city.
A great fish and he will for sure keep your tank clean from coepeods and bristle worms.
they have been known to clean ich but that a per fish thing, if your dont he wont, and if he does he will.
u just dont know till it happens.

what you want in a cleaner wrasse

and shame on the LFS for selling you a six line when they dont have the real one in stock.
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