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Old 05-18-2009, 05:19 PM
loveless loveless is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Edmonton Alberta
Posts: 136
loveless is on a distinguished road

Well its been a while since my last update. I have been out of town for work and the tank took a little longer than expected to get built and there really hasnt been anything new for a while....Until now.

The tank is on the stand with the overflow curing at this moment.

While viewing the next batch of pictures keep in mind that this tank is built from 3/4 inch glass and weighs in at over 1000lbs. It had to go down a set of 8 stairs while being stood on end and slid so the bottom went first. Viewer discretion advised as there was pretty sketchy moments, this was a very nerve wracking experience but all went very well. The overflow had to be installed after the fact due to space limitations while moving so the tank still isnt in its final resting place but it is close. I would like to thank all those that helped with the move, my friend Bryan, and the boys from Concept aquariums, and Marine aquaria...You know who you are. It definitely wouldnt have happend so smoothly without you guys..
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