Thread: 120g build
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Old 05-18-2009, 03:06 AM
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sharuq1 sharuq1 is offline
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Location: Red Deer, Alberta
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sharuq1 is on a distinguished road

The tang looks like he's recovering (yay!). He couldn't even keep himself upright for quite a while as his pectoral fins were so badly damaged. I've been dosing him daily with antibiotics. We had a big scare when he got the inevitable ick: he was just covered in it, he wouldn't eat, he was swimming in vertical circles because he couldn't stay upright. I fw dipped him and he started swimming bonking into things and looked dreadful. After that, I did copper dips a few times. The ick looks gone now and he is eating again. I am unsure if he'll be able to grow back his tail. Time will tell I guess. For now I will continue with dosing Triple Sulpha (antibiotic) daily & 50% water changes every 2 days until tissue covers the bones that are still sticking out.
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