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Old 07-09-2003, 03:24 AM
Marcus K Marcus K is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Regina Sk
Posts: 192
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Default Seaclone skimmer

Hi everyone, I am new to this board. Its great to see a Canadian board. Can anyone give advise on getting my seaclone skimmer working? I have a 88Gal FO with a Amiracle wet/dry that I would like to hang the skimmer off. I do not have much room in the sump with my Rio 2500. I have cut down the innermost tube with hopes of getting skimmer to work. I have run it overnight to wake up to a full cup of water and a tank full of small air bubbles. Should I look at getting a different skimmer or could I go without in a FO setup. Thanks for any advice. Marcus