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Old 05-17-2009, 03:36 AM
H2oStable H2oStable is offline
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Default My Seahorse Stable Build

After all my research regarding our seahorses I have decided to build a tank more suitable to their needs in hopes that we can eventually try to raise the fry (not in this tank).
Started off with a 65 gallon (36x18x24) tank. Had it drilled by Pazil to accomodate two 1" drains for a herbie overflow and one 3/4" return through the overflow box. After we decided on the location of the tank we realized that we had to run electrical, so we installed a new GFCI outlet. Then I purchased a new-to-me (gently used 30 gallon) and coralife skimmer. We are running an oceanrunner 2500 return pump, this should give us about 5 to 6 times turn over in our tank which will be ideal for the SH's. I may add a small powerhead. For lighting I went with 36" 4 bulb T5's. All that is left is finishing the stand, which I haven't decided what I want just yet. The majority of the live rock and water that was added came from our existing reef, so we don't expect to see a huge cycle, but definitely a cycle. I also added some hitching posts for them. Here are some pics....any comments or suggestions are welcome and appreciated!!

Cheers Sharon

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