I've been using both Ocean Pure Pro & Instant Ocean without any problems that I can pinpoint as being caused by the salt.
One of my good friends has been using IO for years with excellent results & phenomenal SPS growth. (ie. Good enough for Marie, good enough for my reef tank).
So many reefers I've heard who keep switching to the newest, more expensive brands have had lots of problems with their tanks.
Personally, I think a lot of the problems reefers encounter are due to our "need" to change things just for the sake of change. When things are doing fine in our tank, we still feel the need to switch salts, upgrade equipment, etc. rather than let our corals tell us when a change is needed.
While I do not do frequent water changes, when I do one, its usually 100 to 120 gallons & I cannot justify the price of premium salt, like H2O, when my corals are "happy" with the regular salt.
For instance, I just did a 120g water change (representing a 50+% water change by volume) last weekend with IO salt and my corals are all fully expanded and the sps have lots of polyps extended. Several SPS that browned out due to transportation & Interceptor stress a few weeks ago have now recovered their colour and are showing great polyp extension. I dose Magnesium, Calcium, and Iodine regularly. Usually use Liquid Reactor as well.
Even if I use a premium salt, to keep up all the trace mineral levels, I would have to do frequent water changes or continue dosing.
Here's the math behind my reasoning. Many reefers do a monthly 10% water change. That removes 10% of the accumulated buildup of nutrients and adds 10% new water. Unless that 10% new water is supersaturated with all the minerals to replenish the depleted levels in the old 90%, you're going to have to dose anyways (via Ca reactor, pump, or other means). Therefore, I kind of think that paying a huge price premium for salt with optimum Ca & other trace minerals is NOT cost effective if you're going to have to continue dosing anyways within a few days of doing a water change to maintain mineral levels. I would rather pay less for a decent salt like IO and save my money for livestock & other reef-related expenses.
That is why I have NEVERr been tempted by these super expensive premium salts.
Sorry for the essay.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!