Getting a little off topic...
$124 million raised?
$6 million actually going to the cause the money was raised for?
Nevermind about the wages or operating costs, fact is, if most people knew, less than 5 cents in every dollar donated, actually goes to the cause, they'd probably find another organisation to give their donations to.
Actually thinking about it ANY organisation that operates on a less than 5% "profit" should really reassess how it goes about it's business.
Back on topic...
I don't know enough about the whole thing but, seeming to have fun chasing whaling ships whilst committing illegal acts in front of TV cameras sound to me like a good waste of time & resources.
Like it or not. Vandalism & harassment are illegal. Whaling with appropriate research papers is not.
Better to find out how the hell these Whaling vessels are able to operate "legally" & try to stop it there instead.
How can they get permits to Whale in those waters under the research banner?
Why are international & Japanese/Norwegian governments not doing much to stop it?
Why is there still demand for whale products & foods in places like Japan?
Getting answers to these questions will help more than a few dozen stink bombs thrown aboard a whaling vessel.