Thread: Whaling
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:48 PM
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I agree with most statements about PETA... they do not want humans to have companion animals at all. They released a bunch of dogs at a dog show, which lead to missing animals and some being killed on the streets in traffic. There is a lot about PETA I abhor a great deal, but they also do get a message across at times.

I do think the Sea Shepard does great work. They patrol waters that are protected from whaling. They also spread the word that this indeed does happen. I know it is culture for the Japanese, but what do they need whales for now? These animals are almost extinct... if they are all gone, what happens to Japanese culture then? Either way it will be stopped sooner or later...

Originally Posted by Jamieh View Post
Groups such as Peta spreading falsehoods. Celebrities taking up cause that they know very little about. It was so funny watching Paul MacCartney and Heather Mills last year. She actually touched a baby seal which would most likely lead to it being abandoned by Mother. They talked about the cute white coats being slaughtered which does not happen. Plenty of talk about clubbing which Canada stopped doing about 10 years ago.....
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