The meetings will now be held first Sunday of every month at 7pm. For June it's at my house: pm me for the address; unless you already know it in which case just show up.
If there is enough interest I will do a small demo on how to do an initial setup of a small tank (no sump). So if you are new and you've never measured salinity or used a test kit, this might be helpful. This nano will get built upon slowly over time with donations of equipment and frags by anyone caring to donate. With each meeting everyone who comes can put their name in a box and some time down the line we will do a draw for the nano.
The more meetings you attend, the more chances you have to win the tank.
For more info. or if you have questions, comments or helpful hints call Jim Sayers at 597-1134 or via email
Any donations for the nano (frags/equipment/anything) and support for the new club would be very welcome.
Any stores wishing to donate will receive public thanks on this forum, any info. pamphlets we put together and everywhere we open our big mouths! 

Looking for lights for the nano, a little tiny heater, live rock and a small powerhead.