Thread: Diamox Question
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Old 05-14-2009, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by H2oStable View Post
Just been down this road....there is one vet that I am trying to get some from....will be meeting with her next week. I want some on hand for when I try to raise these babies. If I can get some you are more than welcome to it. The issue here is no one is willing to give prescriptions without seeing the animal (and there are very few marine vets in town) and this treatment is fairly new. It would be an added stress to your pony to take it in, but is probably worth the effort as it will give it the best chance for recovery.
Yeah, it's really tricky for sure. We've been doing some research and come to the conclusion that it may be easier to have it prescribed for a person from a family doctor as Diamox is originally used for altitude sickness. Called a pharmacy asking if we could get a small portion of it, and they told us that they'd be able to administer us it if we had our family doctor fax a prescription over. Only problem being is that we don't really have one set family doctor and it'd be tricky just to talk to a walk in doctor or something. I agree though that it'd be a lot of stress on top of everything to take the pony in. Thinking our best bet may be to try and have it prescribed by a human doctor....
Vice versa, if we get some, you're welcome to it.
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