Dave, I'm sorry, I really see this as a petty fight between vendors. You guys really need to work out your issues offline.
If you have an ORA coral, I'll buy it because I believe you, or I won't because I don't. It's my choice as a consumer. We don't need to go on about who does or does not have rights, pernits, etc, and I'm telling the DFO, and I'm telling your mom you're a coral smuggler.
This has become just plain silly.
You need to worry about and sell your frags.
Ian needs to worry about and sell his frags.
I have no freaking idea who Paul is or his association with Ian, and frankly, I don't care.
If I have a question for any of you about frags I want to consider buying, I'll email you. That's how it's done.
Please put this thread out of everyone's misery