You and me both - lots of rules in government (I work in healthcare),
Originally Posted by Reefer Rob
LOL! Bending rules in my business is nearly impossible anyway, the government is so far up my a$$ it hurts to bend over... still, if it's a senseless rule
There's so many regulations (and a government bureaucracy to go with each one!) I probably break a few every day and don't even know it.
Gotta go... so many rules, so little time.
As noted above, my suppliers are the Local Fish Stores here in Toronto. I have in fact asked for copies of CITES to investigate the possibility of re-exporting frags to the US -ya it did not go over well as the CITES contains the suppier name...and the local stored here are kinda protective of that as you may be able to appreciate! (only as good as your sullier here in Toronto)
Hope this adequately answers your question. Dave
Originally Posted by R.A.D.
Could you kindly ask your supplier to forward you a copy of his/her CITES for me? You could PM or fax me a copy.
Thanks and looking forward to it as I would like to spend quite a considerable amount of money with you just as long as you can show me documented proof that you or your supplier brought it in legally.
Thanks for your time.