I don't know exactly what the whole story is here or even what the topic is but I'll say this,
I believe the mods on this site do a pretty good job, and the site is run well. I don't agree with everything done but that's life, a small group of people will never be able to satisfy everyone else in the world. Just like government which most people rarely have anything good to say about. So first off good job guys, we all deserve a little ego stroke once in a while
The bottom line is the Mods run the site, they can do what they choice and will continue to do so if they believe it's what is best for the site. Do they owe explanations, well not really that's their decision but with every decision comes consequences. So mods don't get so uptight when people question your actions if you choice to go this route, this is a natural response.
Its the underlying tone that certainly makes me wonder why I continue here.
And it makes me wonder why I continue to do this.
A couple from this thread alone