I think your CBB will be just fine. I have had mine for five months now, and he is just like yours... an aggressive eater and piglet to boot. Have you seen the cleaner wrasse nibble on nori yet? He started eating it a week before I had to remove him from my tank.The little guy eats anything he can fit his little mouth around. I am very happy he is in your capable hands now
How much bigger do toadstools get... looking like you will need a bigger tank just for that soon. I can't believe how big it has gotten since I first met you in December. I was so impressed with you tank back then, and now... WOW!!!
Originally Posted by Carmen
My Copperband was from a fellow canreefer who had him for about 3-4 months before me. I got him in Nov 08 so have had him 6 months. He is superb! Eats mysis and brine(Mainly mysis). Huge pig and very agressive eater!! Hopefully I will be one of the lucky ones as he is one of my favorite fishes.