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Old 05-14-2009, 02:10 PM
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Ephraim Ephraim is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 307
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I think the problem lies in the name but also the value associated with that name. When a vendor uses the prefix ORA, Tyree, Ming,etc when marketing thier frag, that prefix is used for the sole purpose of marketing said product and to possibly add value to that product.

We all know that many people have sunset montis that did not come from Tyree, some come in with Indo aquaculture and such, the ocean is a big place. But I can also buy Armani clothing off ebay for 1/4 the price, did they come from the same factory as ones i would pay full price for at retail, probably not, do i care? No, but that is my own priority.

Some people though will buy an Armani product and want to pay that extra $ to make sure it is "authentic", that is thier own priority. Now what happens when a retailer that normally sells authentic Armani product starts selling ebay knockoff for the full price of authentics? The consumer does not know the difference, but does that make it right? But really how silly it is for a consumer to pay so much more for a product becuase of the authenticity of the name. One could argue that a consumer such as that begs to be taken advantage of.

I would not support this type of mislabeling for more profit activity nor would I support a company or individual that arbitrarially bent the rules to bring something across the border illegitimatly.

ramble ramble ramble