Wow, you go clean the skimmer, check the tanks and go to bed without checking the thread…and there are 36 replies!
First let me say I think the mods and admin team do a good job here on Canreef. This thread was not closed immediately, and honestly, I think they are part of the reason this board is the most active in Canada and has had the number of active members increase more than 50% during the time I have been here (obviously the members contribute significantly also!). Other forums, well we have watched the number of active members steadily decrease. Would I like to have seen the other thread edited instead of closed, yes. Do I agree with EVERY reefkeeping recommendation and/or statement the mod and admin team make, no. Should we respect the fact their job is not an easy one being mindful they have the best interests of the board in mind, yes.
Now that being said, as I mentioned in the first post the topic of LE/Tyree/ORA and other brand name corals being marketed and sold in Canada warrants further discussion as it could affect many members, reefkeepers (at all levels), including sponsors. There are many many reasons to discuss this further – some of which could be considered significant.
I would be happy to host the discussion in a new thread in the wickedfrags forum. Discussion would not mention specific vendors (unless of course they chose to participate just like the last thread). Thread would remain civil, professional and as courteous as possible at all times, while still expressing your thoughts whatever they may be (however if they are deemed over the top or inappropriate they would be edited).
This topic could very well represent a new and exciting opportunity for both reefkeepers and sponsors. Being mindful of the board's interests, I would invite the moderators to assist in the thread moderation as I am on the east coast and not online nearly as much as they are.
I sincerely hope this important topic is not overlooked and further discussion is allowed. It would be disappointing and perhaps considered irresponsible by some to turn a blind eye to this discussion and pretend the topic never arose on the board.
Look forward to your continued replies.
and while the chat above is all serious……..ya I thought the teenage wood comment was funny