Thread: Whaling
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Old 05-14-2009, 06:46 AM
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I had muktuk (whale blubber) once while living in the Arctic and it was NOT delicious but this is what google found for me...

The Japan Whaling Association pleads its case: (reasons to eat whale)

"Whales consume as much as six times the volume of fish that humans catch. Whales are eating a disproportionate amount of our marine resources. Because whales are currently protected and may not be harvested, their numbers are increasing, and they are eating larger and larger amounts of fish, leaving many fewer fish for fishermen to take. This is an important reason for the decline of many fisheries resources around the world."

and other such beauties as...

"whales are basically stupid, bovine creatures, and whaling is a vital component in Japan’s efforts to achieve agricultural self-sufficiency."

It's a cultural thing I suppose, I mean, don't we eat cows which other religions worship? (I use the term "we" loosely - The only meat I've eaten for the past 14 years is fish) Not that I agree with it....who could eat this?

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