complete system for sale in East Vancouver
Complete system for sale. $1000.00
1- Poseidon PS3 - $254.95 brand new
1- Poseidon PS4 - $259.95 brand new
1- Coralife Super Skimmer 220 - $214.95 brand new
1- Aqua FX Barracuda 4 stage reverse osmosis/deionization 50GPD system - $239.95 brand new
1- Custom 24x24x25 65gal tank with dual external over flows with custom canopy and stand, the tank cost $650 brand new and the canopy and stand I built myself.
2- 250w metal halides with ballasts.
1- full bucket of instant ocean sea salt - $39.95 band new
I am also putting in extra filters for the reverse osmosis and power heads test kit etc.
Brand new this all costs over $1660.00
The tank has been running for 3 years.
I do not want to part out.
PM me.
it's not the size of the fish, it's the motion in the ocean!