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Old 05-14-2009, 02:02 AM
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Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
Christie how can you read tone on a forum, I am a VERY light hearted person and I'm telling you right now flat out that the post was not meant to insult you or any of the mods that make this service possible for me. Its just a little frustrating at times to not know whats going on, thats all .

well you know how it is, when one person complains that we're not transparent and obviously we have our own agenda and hide whats REALLY going on from the members of a FREE forum that is provided by a PRIVATE individual, its really hard not to get pi$$ed off about the whole thing. Its people like yourself that in your "lightheartedness" really cause the most damage. Personally I think its interesting that in one breath you're accusing us of having said agenda and in the next its all sunshine and happiness.

I don't have a problem with people who are bothered that the mods aren't more open etc. We have our reasons for what we do. Perhaps you should try being a moderator some time and see just what kind of BS goes on. I mean 95% of the time its really fun but that 5% of the time really makes me want to just quit altogether.
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