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Old 05-13-2009, 06:30 PM
Alberta-newb Alberta-newb is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Carstairs, Alberta
Posts: 227
Alberta-newb is on a distinguished road

Well the hawkfish have a new temporary in the sump!

Watching TV last night when I heard water running, rushed over to discover my new (used) cube cracked it's bottom between bulkheads Fortunately I was home when it happened and I plumb my tanks for emergencies like these. Hooked up the garden hose to the outlet I plumbed into the closed loop and sent some 70 gallons down the drain. I also have a rubber membrane under the stand so fortunately the hardwood floor was largely spared.

Any live rock with corals went into the 120 (much to my angelfish's delight...mmmm new snacks! ), the rest went into the sump with the hawkfish.

Here's the offending piece:

Really surprised this went since it had been fine for months, the stand is dead flat steel with foam on top, the bulkhead holes were rough and chipped so it may have been where the problems started? Glass was 1/2" thick which should be more than enough but I'm getting a piece of 3/4" cut this time just to be sure.

What an evening!...going to hit the pub tonight I think.

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