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Old 07-07-2003, 05:43 PM
Lucky Trout Lucky Trout is offline
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Default FS: Package Deal

This is the last time ill will make a post for this tank ive dropped the price over and over again i need to get rid of it.

So here is everything thats left. One big hell of a deal, maybe someone will take it.

1. 155Gal Oceanic Bowfront, Stand, Glass top (also includes cleanup equipment)

2. 110watt Compact Fluorescents (4 new bulbs 1 month ago)

3. SeaClone Hang-on Protein skimmer

4. Ehiem Pro 2028 Canaster filter

5. Aquaclear 500

6. 2X 802 Powerheads

7. Hagen 300wat Sub- heatert

8. GlowMate dual Ballast kit for two 40W Florescent bulbs. (never used great for Actinics)

9. Kent Marine Additives: Liquid Reactor 16.oz, Coral-Vite 8.oz, Coral-Accel 8.oz, Strontium & Molybdenum 8.oz, Essential Elements 8.oz, Marine C 8.oa,Lugol's Solution 8.oz(iodine) Plus 7.06.oz can of O.S.I. Spirulina Flakes unopened, NutraFin Mini Master Test Kit (never used), 16.oz Bottle of Cycle never used

The hole package for $ 1400 any takers i have to get rid of this tank ASAP!!!
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