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Old 05-11-2009, 02:45 PM
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michika michika is offline
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michika is on a distinguished road

So far the cut is really eating into my discretionary budget, and that is where tank money comes from. Bleh! I miss the little things that discretionary money brings, like morning Starbucks runs, and my weekly dinner & a movie date with a friend.

Tonight will give us the next big piece of the puzzle, the HVAC. Depending on the price, we'll either move ahead with it now, or we'll sit on it for a few months. Either way we can still start doing the "little" things like wiring, and framing in walls. Its putting out large sums of cash all at once that is the big hold up at this point.

The best part though is that really to plan all this stuff out up until this point has cost us practically nothing beyond a few sheets of paper, pens, and lunch breaks surfing the internet for ideas. Tearing out the walls has cost us nothing aside from our own time. Same will go for most of the wiring and framing. I am really happy though that we are handy. Its working wonderfully in our favour.
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