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Old 05-11-2009, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Because work politics suck, and its even worse when you are stuck in the middle and have to be the one to take the compromise.

Anyways...the HVAC guys are coming out tomorrow. I'm hoping that they'll be able to make things work out a little better with the existing heating ducts. We'll be starting to wire the basement after that.
I hear you...I took about a $1500 a month pay cut this year. Really changed how we lived. Can't say the tank spending suffered but that was only because we kind of stopped going out for dinner as much or to bars/clubs every weekend. My pay cut was all because my industry has less money to go around and there was NO way the producers or directors of the shows I work on were going to take a paycut.

Sorry to hear you got caught in the middle of other peoples problems and took the worst of it. I hate crap like this.

Hope it doesn't slow down too much! I was hoping to see this thing move along fast!!!
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