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Old 05-11-2009, 04:54 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Thanks. I am going to post more soon. I just have to find them all! I bought a new CPU a month ago and backed everything up from the old one onto DVD's. I wish I would have labeled them! I just found these ones in my 'screen saver' photo folder.

That last shark picture is not so great but I love it because it reminds me of that moment. I vividly remember seeing it just moments before that photo and immediately taking the picture. Then as it came closer and closer, I froze. Could barely move anymore. Never been so scared while diving other than diving locally here in BC (I can't deal with cold or dark water).

This spot was right at the edge of the reef. So these Whale Sharks were out in open waters. Apparently they come right into the reef itself but they didn't while I was there. I wish they would have as I would have been so much more comfortable and it would have been much brighter for pics. The problem for me with where we had to go to see them was how dark it was below me...and deep. Every time I looked down, I felt sick. Needless to say, I didn't last too long on that dive and really preferred the shallow reef dives!

I have now been to Trinidad, Bahamas, St. Lucia, Australia, Philippines, Guatemala and Belize on dive trips. Belize was the BEST BY FAR.
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