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Old 05-09-2009, 03:58 AM
chandigz chandigz is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: nanaimo bc
Posts: 257
chandigz is on a distinguished road

Pipefish are difficult to keep(This is definately a fish you should have researched first). I worked in a store and sometimes we would get them as an extra or sub and we could never get them to take frozen food and then died. You will most likely need live food to feed them. I'd say definately to begin with. It chould be possible to ween them onto frozen food but then again they might not. They also need to be fed several times a day. They should be housed in a species only/seahorse tank or a tank with slow docile tankmates and lower flow. I've never tried to keep pipefish after I researched because of the difficulties and special needs. good luck!
72 gal bowfromt mixed reef sps dominated, 25 gal mineral mud type sump/refugium Skimmerless
2x250 14000k phoenix hqi 2x96 pc actinic, 50x flow
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