Why is it that people cannot ask for opinions of the question at hand for a change... It always has to turn into a ****ing match and it is getting real old. As much as people feel that this fish should not be caught, IT IS. Be it ethical or not, it is a reality that people can special order these fish. When they do and want to insight and experience, please give just that. Why is it people feel they have to hijack a thread and jump on their soap box?
The poster did not ask what your opinion is one the fish being collected from the ocean... he asked if anyone else has had an MI eat corals.
Hobbyists kill so many fish that are not red list fish due to inexperience and lack of knowledge... When an experienced hobbyist decides to raise the bar and try something difficult they should be entitled to do so... Even newbies that did not know better, should be allowed to ask questions, rather then get into a ****ing match.
Because these fish ARE available, people whom have kept them should not be ashamed to give any help in their successes. Perhaps if people can feel comfortable in asking questions and sharing knowledge, many of these species can be kept more successfully.
Originally Posted by Edmonton Eskimo
I think it's funny when someone considers keeping one of these for a year a success. I'm not saying every one collected dies in captivity and I don't know the exact percentage that do but I would suspect it is in the 90 plus percent. To me that is us as cocky humans thinking we run the world and taking what we wish. It's completely wrong and NONE of us should be buying these fish. To say"I bought it because it was at the store already is silly. The only reason stores keep bringing these fish in is because people buy them. I think governments need to step in and make this an illegal fish to collect and distribute. I'm not bashing any individual that buys one I'm just saying that us as supposed responsible reefkeepers need to stop purchasing these, or any fish, coral, invertebrate that has a higher than 50 percent death rate in captivity. Just my 22 cents 