Only two more sleeps!

Whoo Hoo!
OK, here's the agenda:
Christy will be catching the 10:10am ferry at Comox. She will arrive here at about 11:30am where I will pick her up (and any other Islanders who can make it). (Whiteice669 is bringing his own wheels

) We will all meet at Striker's Bar & Grill for a get-acquainted drink or two

while we wait for RobynR and Reefjunkie who will arrive a little later from the Sunshine Coast. Then, when we're all here, it's off to Dave's to see his wonderful 300gal reef, and in-progress seahorse tank. From there to Marie's amazing reef tanks, where Doofus is eagerly awaiting our visit. (Feel free to bring him a Big Mac for his lunch). Then on to my 90gal corner reef and 225gal reef. Then we can visit our LFS to meet Bob the owner. (I'm trying to set up one more tank viewing with another Powell Riverite but haven't heard back yet)
After the tank tour it's time for some sight-seeing, food & drink

, interesting conversation, more drink

and finally some more drink

PS: PM me for my phone # if you don't have it already, for directions, or any questions you may have.