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Old 05-08-2009, 01:57 AM
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BlueAbyss BlueAbyss is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Creighton, SK
Posts: 952
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Yeah, it turned out okay... I realized after I had done it that I have sort of a riparium thing going on, with the emersed growth and roots hanging in the water. Not as nice as some I've seen on the internet, but an interesting idea nonetheless. Originally I did it as a way to give the tetras some sort of cover, to make them feel more comfortable. They do seem happy, but I won't know how happy until I get my test kits and test the parameters. I do a 20% or so water change every couple days (never more than 5) with distilled water, so I expect the water to be pretty good. I top off with distilled and aged tap water, so the water should have some hardness (but not much).

I promised some detail pics...

I love this pic of the 4 black neons... they move away from the larger shoal of neons and glowlights by themselves occasionally, but most of the time they stick with the crowd. Never far from each other though, even within the school. This pic turned out a little different than the others... the auto white balance on the camera kicked in.

Auto white balance on this one too... but it shows the texture of the debris on the bottom of my tank, and the contrast with the fish.

And a couple more.

Thanks for looking, and your kind comments.
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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