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Old 05-08-2009, 12:56 AM
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it was brought to my attention that perhaps I have failed my dogs in showing them off to the canreefers

Pepper, Aka Big Fatty, aka fatty, aka PUPPAAAAAY! Recovering from a FCE, we almost had to put her down, but luckily garlic sausage was enticement to recover (lol)

She's definitely lab crossed with pyrenees - LOVES water... but only up to her knees... (she's actually pyrenees x (Colie/Lab) if you're wondering about the merle coloring)

Cody, aka scrawny, aka "Genuine alberta prairie dog"

Both rescues... Both mutts... Both overly loved...
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Last edited by AndyL; 05-08-2009 at 12:58 AM.
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