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Old 05-07-2009, 06:13 AM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 775
Red Coral Aquariums is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mseepman View Post
Any new developments???
There has been some new developments as it is coming close to opening time.

I filled the tanks (all 4 of them) with fresh water to test for leaks and run the pump. Everything was perfect except 1 bulkhead was leaking.
When I cut the wood out in the stand for the overflow lines I cut the wood about an inch larger around than I needed for the bulkheads. It was no problem dealing with the Bheads when no lines were attached and when no doors or tanks were in the way (hence the pic with my big butt showing(thanks again Francis)) but I couldn't get anything to get a grip in the tight spot to tighten the Bhead. I had to cut away a little extra wood and it was not an easy job. When I finally could get a wrench on it it took a 1/4 turn and lesson learned.

The canopy is finished and lights are mounted in it. A lot of thought went into the lights. I decided T5 for the heat factor and since it is a Fowlr system it is the best choice. There is under 10 feet of space to put lighting in and due to a limited width a 6 bulb TEK was not doable. I also wanted glass covers, UL rating, and reliability. I choose the Aqua medic T5 set up My combination's were (2 x 4' and 1x 2') or ( 3 x 3' ) as it worked out neither combos would fit. What did work was 3x 2' and 1x 3' figure that LOL.

Now I wait for the plumbing and electrical to be hooked up and I can start bringing in equipment and draining out the fresh water and start the salt process.

Time to crash
Thanks for reading.
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