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Old 05-07-2009, 04:26 AM
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Hairytank Hairytank is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 114
Hairytank is on a distinguished road
Default Bfc

OK, figured out what ate ALLof my zoas and was taking chunks out of various other corals...
A BFC...Big Fargen Crab..
It is 2.5" wide and 0.75" thick....

It came out the other night when I was feeding...this was a quarter size "emerald crab" I put in about 6 months ago..and I hadn't seen it for about 2 months..

I am thinking it must go???
Concept Custom 50gal 24x24x20, herbie overflow, Radion g2, 20 gal sump, Bubble Magus NAC 7, MP10 WES, Speedwave 1320 return.
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