Originally Posted by Fox
Sorry for the hijack but do you mind telling me what a pod is? I have many of what I would call pods ,They are cream in color and had no idea what they were as my tank is relatively new (started it late December). I have noticed little critters living in my filter and I presume thats what the Manderine goby would be eating in an established tank...I would really like to get an MG and if these are the pods that host these critters I would be very happy!
Your tank might be too small.. and too young to keep a healthy pod population...you may see some now..and think there are lots... but once you get the mandarin goby...it will clear out your pod population in couple weeks... then it will start to starve....
to keep a mandarin really good and long, you need to train it to eat frozen foods, and can't rely on pod population