Well this has to be the fastest upgrade I have seen. It all started about a week ago on the 26th when I found a leak on our 265 looked like the seam on the right front was leaking. So we went about weighing out our options. I realy didnt like the idea of tring to reseal a tank this big so we decided to replace it. Now we had more options to weigh out stock tank or custom same size or upgrade build a stand or buy a stand.What to do What to do. So we decided after much deliberation we decided on a marineland deep dimension 300 Gallon tank and a Marineland Monterey deep dimension stand and cap. Two reasons for this number one was speed we could get a Marineland tank right away a custom tank would be 3-6 weeks away and with a leaking tank that was not a very attractive option plus I would have to build a stand. The second was cost a custom tank and stand would not be cheap. So we ordered our tank and stand. Dan at Aquatic Addictions went the extra mile for us to make sure we had it for this week as we are on holidays so we would have time to do the swap. The tank showed up at the store on fri May 1st. Sat. 8 am we put the ball in motion did some running around to pick up plumbing parts and paint (for the back of tank) and so on we then started to haul the the new tank home with the help of some good people we got it home we then set to work painting the back of the tank and pulling apart the 265 14 hours and 16 min later the 265 was down and the 300 had 4 coats of fresh black paint. it was now 7:16 am on Sun. and we have a crew of fellow reefers showing up at 9:00 am to help swap the tanks ( they are both in the 500 lbs. range) so at that point we had been going for 25 hours once the tanks were swapped we headed back to Aquatic addictions with the 265 and stand. We headed home with plans of some lunch and back to work on the tank I wanted to get it running as all my rock and water were in 44 gallon brute containers and fish and corals were in the sump. We took a lunch brake. after which I crawled under the new stand to start planning my plumbing and promptly fell asleep when I came too the wife was sleeping in her chair so I decided I didnt fell like cutting any fingers of with my chop saw when cutting pipe so we called it a day all in all it was 34 hours. And this is what we ended up with.
New tank in place
End shot of new tank

Love this feature makes maintainance much easier