Had a few days off work this weekend and made some progress on the stand and refugium area.
I had attempted to cut out my refuge window with a jigsaw, unfortunately it wasn't capable of locking in the blade dead straight so I had to try and cut it free hand, and due to my shaky hands ended up having a very wavy cut..

Thank goodness I have a steadier hand with my camera.
Not wanting to have such an ugly edge as the frame of my refuge, I decided to add some trim pieces around the window this afternoon. Certainly made a huge difference and I am definitely pleased with the outcome.
Aside from the framing I got my Aquacontroller Jr mounted, it will be sunk in to the stand skin to avoid getting bumped during maintenance or other unknown reasons. I also mounted the DC8 power bar above the the refuge well away from where the sump will be.
You can see in the pictures I also drilled the drain bulkhead in my refuge which will return water to the sump. My Snapper return pump will be T'd off to feed the refuge with a 3/4" line, and 1.5" back to the display tank.
Refuge lighting is an Aquamedic Oceanlight 4x24W T5 unit and will be running 2 6500K midday bulbs, 1 Reef Blue and 1 Fiji Purple.
And a quick shot of the refuge window with lights on, right now it has 2 10K and 2 Fiji Purples. Still need to paint the background for the refuge tank so you won't be able to see into the sump area, I'm thinking a Cream White or Light blue, haven't decided yet.