I am still in Canada for about 5 months it looks like and I want to try to negotiate staying here until the New Year if possible. Sounds like it will be too! So I have set up my 34G Solana all in one cube.
Most everything I was not keeping went this weekend and the tank will be gone next Saturday. The sale went very quick and easy. Not even a single person tried to get a lower price than what I had posted, so I was very happy!
When I move, my younger brother will be renting or staying here. He will take care of the tank for me.
Basically I built the stand and set up the Solana in one day. Moved the livestock over the next and I am happy to say that many of the SPS that were not looking so great anymore in the 200 now look much better again. Others actually browned a little after the move but Im sure will be fine in a few weeks.
It's a 34G tank that came with a skimmer but I chose not to use it. For lighting I went with a Lumenmax 3 pendant, Galaxy 250 watt HQI ballast and Phoenix 14K bulb. Using my JBJ ATO and Aquacontroller from the 200. Pacific Coast 1/13 chiller. For now a modded K3 for flow but that will be switched for a Vortech MP10 soon as I can get my hands on one. For fish it's just my two clowns and a Fang Blenny. No more will go in there. Of course the Carpet anemone too. It's doing very well after the move.
Heres the tank/stand:
In relation to the 200: